14th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage Apr 30, 1990 - May 04, 1990, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazil

Theme: Not Available
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Question 42: The influence of irrigation and drainage on the environment with particular emphasis on impact on the quality of surface and ground waters.
Question 43: The role of irrigation in mitigating the effects of drought.


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Brazil is a country in South America having abundant natural resources which play a decisive role in the economy of the country. The agri-business sector is responsible for about 40 % of the Brazilian GDP of which the biological diversity products, especially coffee, soybeans and oranges, account for 31% of Brazilian exports. Presently, 92% of the electric energy in the country is generated through hydropower. Columbia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru are immediate neighbours of Brazil, sharing common boundaries.


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Side Event(s)

Special Session - Special Session: Socio-economic and technological impacts of mechanized irrigation systems
Symposium - Symposium: Real-time scheduling of water deliveries


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What's More

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